The journey of becoming and being a Registered Dietitian (RD) is very special and unique. Author Anne Elizabeth Cundiff, RD, LD, LSC, FAND shares her thoughts and insights along her journey through a book written for all RD's to be and RD's who are traveling through our profession and desire a career filled with passion and purpose.
I’m a Registered Dietitian… Now What? Is a question each registered dietitian experiences along their professional journey. You are not alone. As you travel along your registered dietitian journey, this book will meet you where you have been, where you are and where you want to go. It is a book every registered dietitian will read throughout different times in their careers.
By the end of this book, you'll understand why you became a registered dietitian and why you want to continue being a registered dietitian through these topics:
What is your story, passion and purpose as a registered dietitian
How do you find fulfillment in your job
How to know when it is time to move on and to have the courage to go after the exact job you want as a registered dietitian
How to find joy as a registered dietitian by being a mentor, leader and your role in the future of dietetics
Paperback - $9.99
eBook - $4.99

NEW: 15 CPE hours have been approved through the Commission of Dietetic Registration and will be awarded for reading and completed the worksheets provided in the book.
After you purchase the CPE hours, you will receive an email with links to fillable forms for each worksheet and you will return those for CPE credits.
15 CPE's, Book and 30 minute Embrace the Hellyeah Conversation Call - $115.00
Are you currently navigating your professional future and asking yourself "Now What?" Whether you are becoming a brand new RD or have been an RD for some time and you are ready for a change, this conversation is just what you need. After you submit your worksheets, I will review and make notes. Then we will set up a call to chat about your answers and what I can do to help you find clarity and joy in your career.
15 CPE's Only - $110.00
(discounts provided to individuals who previously purchased the book, contact me)
What people are saying...
Congratulations on your book Anne Elizabeth! You are making a difference and putting your stamp on the nutrition world. @eatrightiowa - Erin Thole
I read this whole book on my way back from #FNCE, I just couldn't put it down! Let my friend and colleague, Anne Elizabeth, inspire you to pursue your dreams in this awesome field of dietetics! - Lisa Medrow
That feeling you get when you are reading the book your bestie wrote and see your name right there on page 96 😊❤️- Brenda Hatfield Shannon